Search engine submission is the process of making a request to a search engine that a website be included in its index. Unlike search engine optimization, submission does not affect how well a website will rank, it merely alerts search engines to its existence.
The act of supplying a URL to a search engine in an attempt to make a search engine aware of a site or page.
At a minimum, submitting to a search engine involves adding the URL of the site or page that will be under consideration. Search engines sometimes ask for additional contact information, including name and/or email address.
Policies for adding URLs vary among various search engines. Some search engines only ask for the main URL of a site, claiming that the rest of the site will be spidered; others require the submission of individual pages. Variation also exists with regard to how often URLs may be added, as some engines have tried to discourage bulk submissions in an attempt to minimize spamming.
Submitting sites/pages can be done manually or in an automated manner. Manual submission involves going to each of the "Add URL" pages and filling out the form fields individually. Automatic submission involves filling out information only one time; the necessary information is then used by a software program to submit to many search engines.
Confusing search engine submission with search engine optimization is a common mistake. The mere act of submitting does nothing to optimize the pages in question and achieve higher rankings. In fact, submitting poorly-optimized pages can do more harm than good.
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Search engine submission is one method of getting a new website indexed, but generally isn't necessary, as Google, Yahoo, and Bing are continuously crawling the Web in search of new pages to index.
Alternatives to direct search engine submission :
Avoid using any service that claims to submit to hundreds or thousands of search engines; the result is often a large quantity of email spam, low quality backlinks, and other types of activity best avoided, especially when launching a new website.